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Morton's Neuroma Specialist

Kazmer Foot & Ankle Centers

Gary M. Kazmer, DPM

Podiatrist located in Elgin, IL & Barrington, IL

When you feel as if there’s a pebble in your shoe on a regular basis, and that mysterious pain or discomfort in the ball of your foot has you worried, consider getting tested for Morton’s neuroma by a leading podiatrist like Dr. Gary M. Kazmer, one of the most successful in Illinois. Call Kazmer Foot & Ankle Centers for an appointment or book one online for the Barrington or Elgin office.

Morton's Neuroma Q & A

What is Morton’s neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma is an uncomfortable condition caused when tissue thickens around a nerve extending into one of your toes, most frequently between your third and fourth toes. Symptoms of Morton’s neuroma may include intense, searing pain; stinging; burning; or numbness.

What causes Morton’s neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma can come from a variety of issues, from repetitive motion and trauma to deformities and poor foot care. Some causes are harder to prevent than others, but these are among the ones you can avoid:

  • Wearing high heels too often or too tightly
  • Playing strenuous sports, especially with tight shoes
  • Living with bunions, flat feet, high arches, or hammertoes

How is Morton’s neuroma diagnosed?

First, Dr. Kazmer performs a physical examination. While typically there aren’t any visible signs of Morton’s neuroma, he detects potential indicators by feeling the ball of your foot for a thick mass or a weakened area. He also presses the area to see if that produces a clicking sound.

Dr. Kazmer often orders imaging tests like an X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI to confirm a diagnosis of Morton’s neuroma or to identify a different source of your foot pain.

How is Morton’s neuroma treated?

Treatments for Morton’s neuroma vary by the severity of your injury. Ask Dr. Kazmer which of these options, or maybe others, are right for you:

  • Pain and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Ice massage (rubbing a pack over the area)
  • Rest and avoiding vigorous activity on your feet
  • Physical therapy exercises
  • Better-fitting shoes (and avoiding high heels)
  • Orthotic footwear inserts like arch pads
  • Steroid injections
  • PRP therapy (platelet-rich plasma injections)
  • Decompression surgery (removing tissues crowding the nerve)
  • Nerve extraction surgery (removing the root of your pain)

How long is the recovery from Morton’s neuroma?

Your recovery time and difficulty vary depending on the treatment and the severity of your Morton’s neuroma. Ask Dr. Kazmer how you can expect to respond to each option. Surgery is usually the last resort, since it can cause complications like permanent numbness.

Call or book an appointment online for a personalized consultation with Dr. Kazmer for the best foot care available and the fastest path to relief.